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For most organizations and businesses, we find long-term public policy strategy, internal communications, and stakeholder engagement can be just as important as what happens inside the walls of the Capitol.  We work in collaboration with clients to create and execute a thoughtful policy strategy using all angles and communication pathways available. 

Strategic Communications

We work with clients to develop a consistent and coherent message for both internal and external use. Not only can we support clients in crafting the message, but we also navigate the equally important topics of: correct messenger, correct audience, correct time, and more. 

Educational Events

Many clients like to take advantage of state capitol and policy expertise by having Emma Hudson Consulting assist in the coordination or execution of events to teach clients about the legislative process and/or to acquaint legislators and others with client’s issues, such as Day at the Capitol events.

Grassroots & Grasstops Development

One critical component of a successful effort is a willingness to dig in and do the hard work of organizing. We like to partner with clients to develop effective grassroots programs and fully engage community stakeholders in public policy efforts. We identify and cultivate relationships with key grasstops affiliates of clients and we can work with clients to ensure a well-organized grassroots demonstration at important legislative briefings, hearings, and other critical events. These tools are often coupled with a phone or email campaign resulting in a powerful impact on legislative decisions, if well executed. 

Government Affairs & Policy Counsel

A driving goal of Emma Hudson Consulting is to demystify the legislative process. To help, we translate the policy-making process for clients allowing meaningful information to inform internal policy debates. We support clients in shaping and advancing policy objectives, and in some cases, this means leveraging relationships to connect clients to policymakers or other stakeholders. In other cases, this means helping clients take a step back to refine strategies and tactics that will best advance stated goals.

Issue Campaigns

Often clients have a driving policy concern that's centering their work, but are struggling to get the momentum they desire. We provide guidance related to issue campaigns to help build coalitions, drive up public awareness, and push the right levers to engender culture-changing movements as far-reaching as client aspirations.

Strategic Planning 

You have to know where you want to go in order to get there. Meaningful strategic planning and long-term goal development is at the core of who we are at Emma Hudson Consulting. We support clients to turn vision and intent into action and results. Strategic planning can help inform long-term legislative goals as well as internal resource allocation decisions. There are several key components of an organizational strategy, but it starts with the question, “What does success look like?”

© 2022 by Emma Hudson Consulting

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